Thursday, August 10, 2017

8 Signs That It’s Time To See The Dentist

Not many people love going to the dentist. In fact, some go to the extent of avoiding the dentist for years and aren’t sure when or if they should go to the dentist. As a general rule, most dentists recommend semi-annual cleanings. But if you haven’t been to the dentist in awhile, here are some tell-tale signs that it’s time for a visit.
Inflamed or Bleeding Gums
When you brush or floss, do your gums bleed? Are the often inflamed? The bacteria that cause plaque to form on your teeth can cause your gums to become inflamed. It isn’t always painful, but it is a sign of gingivitis. If you are experiencing this, schedule an appointment with your dentist.
Mouth Sores
If you have canker sores that last more than a few days or don’t heal on their own, it might be time to see the dentist. They can recommend or even prescribe a medication that can help relieve the pain.
Headaches or Jaw pain
Headaches and jaw pain can be the result of grinding your teeth at night. A dentist can prescribe a mouth guard to help prevent this pain.
Tooth Sensitivity
Sensitivity to hot or cold foods or when you take quick breaths of air, can be the result of a fractured tooth. It can also be caused by wearing down of the enamel and a dentist can give you a prescription for a sensitivity toothpaste.
Bad breath
One of the first signs of gingivitis is bad breath. If you brush regularly (twice a day) and find that you still have bad breath, get checked out by a dentist. Another sign of gingivitis is a metallic taste in your mouth. So, if you experience either of these, it is a good idea to call your dentist.
Does your tooth ache constantly? Or do you get an excruciating pain when you eat sugary treats? These are both likely signs of a cavity, which should be treat as soon as possible to prevent further decay, or even loss of the tooth.
Color Changes of the Mouth
Stained teeth, as well as a discoloration of the tongue, cheeks, gums or roof of the mouth, are all signs to go see a dentist. Dentists can give recommendations for whitening your teeth. Discoloration of the fleshy parts of your mouth, such as bruising or white patches, can be a sign of a fungal infection.
White Spots on Teeth
On fully formed adult teeth, this is one of the first signs of dental decay. Bacteria build-up on your teeth can form plaque, which can harden into tartar – this has to be removed by a professional cleaning at the dentist.  

If you find that you are experiencing any of these signs, schedule an appointment with your Durango dentists right away.