After we made an offer to the bank...we cant wait to see the result. The other night we had trouble going to sleep because we both anxious and anticipated, and we end up going to bed by 2:00 o'clock am. We already plan what to improve in the house... to do this to do that.
Yesterday the Realtor told us that there are 6 offers on the property and the bank is asking for highest and best offers from all six parties. Greg called me on the phone and discussed what we need to do. We both really like the house and we made another offer. He told me not to expect too much and not to keep my hopes up. Of course he don't want me to get disappointed.
Every single day I've been hoping and praying that they will accept our offer. Greg and I already have in mind that if we don't get that house, we will look for another one. Maybe there are some houses out there that we like or cheaper than that house. We will wait to see if what will happen, and I am keeping my fingers cross.
Today, I got a phone call from my husband. I was nervous to pick up the phone because I know that this will be the result. So he told me in a sad voice (honey, guess what?) and I said what?! (they accept our offer!). Wow!!!! I feel relieve and happy to hear the good news. I am so excited! Yes we did it...we got the house!
After all the anticipation now is the time for paperworks. And pretty soon we will move in to our new home. All we need to worry this time is to look for a renter who can rent our condo.

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