We went to Las Vegas when Akesha was 6 months old. That was her first plane ride. We stayed at Stratosphere for 3 nights and two days. We also went to the famous Hoover Dam. We had so much fun even we have our little one with us. We didn't go to the casino or something. We enjoyed the strip of Las Vegas and it was a blast! We plan to go back there soon.
Wow! You have a very attractive blog. You have really cool stuff on your blog. You have BIG kitties on your blog. You have put a lot of time and work into your blog. Thanks for caring.
You may want to check out our blog. It is The Zack and Anna Blog - We cool cats blog. If you enjoy life you will enjoy our blog.
(The premise of our blog is that we, Zack and Anna, (two cats) keep up the blog. You will find humor, helpful living tips for you and your pets and even sentimental and uplifting posts. There is even a way that you can tell us who you would like us to send a SHOUT OUT OF THE DAY to. (=^.^=)
So check us out at: zackandanna-wecoolcats.blogspot.com/
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Hey y'all! Welcome to my page. My name is Demcy also known as Dhemz. I'm the author behind Dias Family Adventures, FILIPINO-AMERICAN, military wife & mother, crafter, wannabe chef, savvy shopper, product reviewer, traveler, adventure seeker...I pretty much think I can do anything! Learn more about me and my family HERE
I enjoyed the Vegas pics we got some similar ones when we went but you got you I missed, the Venetian glass ceiling!!!
Wow! You have a very attractive blog. You have really cool stuff on your blog. You have BIG kitties on your blog. You have put a lot of time and work into your blog. Thanks for caring.
You may want to check out our blog. It is The Zack and Anna Blog - We cool cats blog. If you enjoy life you will enjoy our blog.
(The premise of our blog is that we, Zack and Anna, (two cats) keep up the blog. You will find humor, helpful living tips for you and your pets and even sentimental and uplifting posts. There is even a way that you can tell us who you would like us to send a SHOUT OUT OF THE DAY to. (=^.^=)
So check us out at: zackandanna-wecoolcats.blogspot.com/
Thanks from two cool cats,
Zack and Anna
Did you enjoy a strip at Las Vegas???? With the little one there??? Haha! Awesome.
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