Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mommy Moments: DRESS UP DAY/Costume!

Another "Mommy Moments" mania again. The theme for this week is DRESS UP DAY/Costume! If you would like to join us, just click the image. Enjoy!
mommy moments
So here's the story of a lovely lady and her costumes.

The Sunflower Baby
Akesha's first Halloween Costume @ 5 months old

The Drill Sergeant
At 8 months old she joined the boot camp...push, push! what Papa did in the Military.

Chinese BabyKimono Outfit on Valentines Day.

The Tumble(Bumble) Bee BabyAkesha's 2nd Halloween @ 18 months

The "Not in the Mood" PrincessHer 3rd Halloween, October '08

The Cowgirl Baby

and the rest

The End!