Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Spring cleaning that won't impact the envrionment

Guest post written by Mary Johnston

All of the things that I try to do, I try to lessen the impact that I have on the environment. There were so many years that I never considered what impact on the environment all my wasteful ways had, but now I'm thinking a lot about that. I do care about the environment a lot more now and am trying to come up with ways to make mine and my family's carbon footprint a whole lot smaller.
I found some really great green cleaning tips online and while I was doing some of that extra research one day, I found this website http://www.texaselectricityproviders.com/ and read through it. I found some energy savings plans on that website and after I read through ti some, I decided to sign up for one of them to help us save a little more energy and money.
I'm pretty excited about this environmental spring cleaning. I already did my annual thoroough spring clean, but I'm also going to try and keep up these green cleaning habits from here on out.


Mel Alarilla said...

It's always great to consider the environment in everything we will do. Conserving renewable energies and natural resources must be a top priority for all people. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.