Would you like to get spun and swung at the same time? If you happen to visit Six Flags, you should ride on this stomach-churning fun fest called the "Frisbee"
Hubby and I didn't try this one because we both don't like the "swing/spinning" ride. This kind of ride increases the swing arc to 260°.

There's no way I would ride on that one lol. Lovely shot.
Hehehe grabe inyong adventure bayot uy no dull moments mn sa inyong simple abode. and always on the go. True and real nga always on the go with exciting evidence.
sus wala pa mn ko kasakay mga ingon ani tsang, kalooy sd nku, dika malooy ana, pasakya ko bi hwheheheh visit mode na gyud ko tsang once a week awaaa pabuyag ba lol
I'd love to try that. Have a fabulous week.
Liz @ MLC
Visiting here sis bago magzzz...
Hello Dhemz, maayo nalang kay wala pa ka ning complain nga wala nay picture nga imo kay ug maniniyot ta, maski ug ning abot na ug 100 ka pictures imong nakuha pagtanaw nimo wala gyud maski usa nga imong posing hehe. Ako ning complain na ko ana sa akong mga friends mao nang ila kung kuhaan pod solo pa hehe. Ma enjoy ko ug kuha ug mga pictures biya mura ug pang de-stress ba, english na hehehe.
Nakasakay na ko ani nga ride pero gaatubang mi sa gawas, sus mura gyud ug mugawas akong tinai kay langit naman gyud akong makita hahaha. Pagkahuman lagi ug tuyok2x unya naa na mi sa flatform kay gawas na tanan, mura ko ug gusto mo kamang oi hahahaha. Unya kay ulaw pod hinay2x lang ko ug lakaw kay nabuyong gyud ko as in!! Basta mosakay ta ug ingon ani mga diaper kay makaihi gyud hahahaha!!
Ug ngano man gyud nga mobayad ta aron lang ta magpabuyong no? Hehehehe.
Anything Blue
Not for me, either!
Happy Blue Monday.
Wow di ko kahimo ug sakay ana so scared hehe but hubby na sakay gyd na siya...Mine is up na pod...
mine is here
yay! i would rather view from down below...kakahilo :)
I would not want to ride here too since it's like riding a giant frisbee with its spinning moves. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.
that's one hell of a ride, ooh, i love that, would love to try that. thanks for sharing sis.
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