Monday, December 5, 2011


Carletta said...

Bet those cones in the background get put to use too! :)

Karen said...

I wish they had a sign like that at our school! The laneway becomes so congested you can't even walk around the cars.

Cheryl said...

I love taking photos of things like this. Would have been cool if there was a car next to it. I think it's funny all the signs that people put up.

Meikah said...

LOL... Happy RT! :D

carol l mckenna said...

Great photo for RT ~ ~ thanks, namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor) Happy RT

Unknown said...

So glad I don't have to deal with that anymore:):)
I'm Jesh on FB, so you can follow me too on Netw.Blogs -isn't it a great feature?

January Zelene said...

okey ra dhemz k wala man ka ni enter.. hehe

Visiting from RT
Toy Kingdom Sale
Florie Earrings
World Bazaar

Verna Luga said...

Katawa ko ni jan.. bitaw.. maayo man tama ra ka diha.. hahahah.. laag ko :)