World history is not my favorite subject at all. I sometimes feel embarrass when people ask me questions about the Philippine history particularly about the battles that raged there during World War II. I really don't know much about the World War II history, but I heard some tidbits about it like how the Americans fought a battle there to free the Filipinos from the Japanese.
I'm glad we took a trip to visit the USS Lexington ship in Corpus Christi, Texas. We really loved exploring and learning about this part of history.
Visiting historic places like this can help you see and learn more about what life was like before.
I never thought of the Philippines as a WWII location.

Thank you for taking me back to history yotch. I got your U.S. Lexington postcard. We love it! George absolutely enjoyed it too coz of the...AIRPLANES! I like the history you got here, will link it up in a post in my blog. mwah!
Neither do I sis, I have never fond of history subject lol. I watched a documentary film about the WW2 and I learned a lot though.
hahahaha me too bayot, not my favorite, apil history sa mga bayani and eveything. not my fave at all. This is interesting though. when it comes to facts and stuff lisud kaayo memorison mao dili nku ni fave.
mangodigo mn gani ko before basta rizal and history subject na ky dilo ko musulod sa klase ana hahaha.
great infor btw bayot, maynlng ma refresh atong utok
I've always been awful at history as well. It's okay... it's good that you take the time now to embrace and learn.
History was not my favourite subject as well, when i was in school. But now i understand history is an interesting subject and we get to learn more about our ancesteriol origin and great battles like this. And it is interesting to know that Philippines has a great history of World War II.
Yes, the Philippines also felt the brunt of the Second World War as Manila became the most battered city next to Warsaw after the Second World War. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.
I just received the package you sent this morning together with the candies, Christmas card and other souvenir items. I was overjoyed by what you sent. Thank you so much for your generosity and thoughtfulness. I love the picture of Akesha and I showed it to my youngest. I also gave her the candies and ball pens. The key chain I gave to my youngest son. They were bought overjoyed by the unexpected presents. Thank you so much. God bless you all always.
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