piloted from a remite location? dulaan na sya Dhemz? hahaha.
mi visit ko diri from my email, si Akesha man to sa post office (lexington) nya pag open pa nako diri sa imo site, kani may migawas...way klaro ni si feed nyahahaha.
When traveling as a family it can be tempting to purchase a timeshare for the extra space and amenities. If you bought a timeshare that you no longer want, a timeshare termination company like Omni Ellis can help you get rid of the timeshare.
Hey y'all! Welcome to my page. My name is Demcy also known as Dhemz. I'm the author behind Dias Family Adventures, FILIPINO-AMERICAN, military wife & mother, crafter, wannabe chef, savvy shopper, product reviewer, traveler, adventure seeker...I pretty much think I can do anything! Learn more about me and my family HERE
Such an interesting feature! I was wondering if it's part of an exhibition or part of some game!
It's a game, isn't it?
piloted from a remite location? dulaan na sya Dhemz? hahaha.
mi visit ko diri from my email, si Akesha man to sa post office (lexington) nya pag open pa nako diri sa imo site, kani may migawas...way klaro ni si feed nyahahaha.
Part of a museum tour? Interesting too. Here's my RRT.
visiting you, nice article :)
Did you get a shot sis?
This is pretty cool, Mommy:)
Visiting for Ruby Tuesday 2! Hope you can stop by:)
Well, that is something so fascinating to look at. Just like a little gallery of art work placed together. Very interesting picture!
not so familiar with this one .. just quick visit here.
Great shot.
My entries are here and here.
There's plenty of red in this photo, that's for sure!
Ruby Huichol Bead Work
Im droned aw doomed d i heheheagi ko kadali bayot sus wa jd koy nahims sa akong life today nag sge rko ka tulala.
Wonderful exhibit but you didn't tell us where it is.
Drones are extensively used by the US military for spying and reconnoitering purposes. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.
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