Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Roger Owen Green said...

one never understands the difference between K and 1 until you experience it.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Unknown said...

Cool! I know quite a few first graders... They're cool!

Leslie: said...

Maybe because she's having such a good time. In Grade 1, they have desks and all and have to learn to stay put...but if she's happy now, she'll be fine in Grade 1.

abcw team

Chubskulit Rose said...

Love her smile sis! May kinder na uli ako sa Fall hehehe.

Korean Souvenir
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Pseudo Pseudoism said...

One truly never understands and when they do they want to go back and become younger ;)

PhenoMenon, ABCW Team. My post below


EJ said...

It's nice that they can use pants too.

Mel Alarilla said...

They all look so cute, hehehe. Great that Akesha will be entering grade 1 next school year. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.