Hurray! Finally, school is over for my 2nd grader! She’s on vacation mode already but she still has to do a little bit of reading and math at home. Aside from her regular gymnastic and piano lessons, we enrolled her in a two-week private swimming class this month.
June is going to be a hectic month for us, and I can’t wait for this month to be over. We hope everything goes well according to plan because this July is going to be our annual family vacation. We are going to the Philippines for two weeks and we are very excited about it. We will be spending more time on the beach and hang out at the mall. We can’t wait!
Last year, we had a blast during our one week cruise to Belize, Honduras and Mexico. For our next year’s vacation, we are thinking of going to Hawaii for a week. Accommodation is not a problem since my sister-in-law owns a timeshare in Hawaii. She offered us to stay there for a week, so who knows we might take advantage of her offer before she’ll get rid of her time-share. She’s no luck in trying to sell it.
Next time I see her, I’ll mention GW Timeshare Services. This company specializes in offering immediate financial solutions to timeshare owners who want out of ownership. Groupwise Inc. target their assistance to resort property owners who are struggling to sell or not using their properties, or are concerned about the mounting maintenance fees and special assessments they continue to accrue.
They have years of expertise and outstanding customer service. They focus on one thing: acquiring unwanted timeshares. In today's tough economic times, they offer assistance to resort property owners through a unique program in which their obligations are removed through financially-sound business practices.
So if you want to get out of your timeshare, you should visit today or call 1-877- 981-6120.

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