Look back
While traveling, we visit different places, eat out, and forget things there. Don’t do it. Not everyone is kind enough to let you know that you have forgotten something behind. So, before leaving you should look back and be sure that nothing important is left behind.
Keep money in different pouches
Well, never keep all your money in the same purse or wallet. Always have more than one source where money can be kept. Same rule should be applied for your bank cards
Want a new purse or wallet or pouch? Buy it online at Overstock.com. Overstock.com is a reputed store and you can expect quality products listed at an affordable price. Moreover, there are coupons that will help you get the best deal.
Back pocket should be light
Here, we request you to NOT keep your important items like wallets, cards or money in the back pocket of your jeans. It is the easiest spot for a pickpocket. You don’t want to roam around on stranger streets with no money in your hand, right? So, be careful.
Important documents should be scanned
Scan them and keep a copy of the same in your smartphone.
Travel insurance is a must
Most of us give it a thumbs down. However, think about this situation. You are traveling in a foreign country and get injured. Hospitals there might get you admitted and make you pay tens of thousands of dollars. In most of the cases, travel insurance will cover it all. So, get it before leaving your country (or city).
We all know that there are so many issues in the world. Do we need to mention Ebola?
You may never know what can be an issue in a particular country or area. So, get all relevant vaccinations before leaving. This is a precautionary step that should be taken.
Travel guide
Moving to an unknown territory? Look for a travel guide that will help you get through the roads and visit famous spots around. Want to buy it? Overstock.com offers travel guides to most of the known territories. Have a look at their listings. For the cost price, you can expect the best deal by using Overstock promo code. Coupons are designed to help you save while you shop online and offline. However, you should use them before they expire to make the most of it.
Don’t compromise
Here, we are talking about your credit card details and space. While traveling, it is important to use your credit card at known sources only. So, be wary of using your card at a less reputed internet café.
Talking about space, don’t share your space with strangers. You never know their intentions. So, look for a hotel room where you can have your own space.
Apart from these tips, what precautions do you take while traveling abroad? Let us know about it with your comments below.

We travel quite a bit and the tip about money kept in different spots is a good one.
Thanks for the great tips. I'm hoping to go on vacation this year.
Definitely scan your documents.. you never know if you will lose them or have them stolen.
Health insurance is the only one I think about!
Great idea about scanning your documents! I always make a copy and leave it with someone back home, and tuck another copy into my suitcase.
Great tips! We scan our documents and email them to ourselves- so we always have them as long as there is wifi..thanks for sharing!
I always have to calm my self down when I forget things. It's not like I can't run out and buy them.
I am so wary of travel insurance... but I feel like it is the best option for people with kids!
Excellent tips! I'll add: Get your travel insurance from a reputable outfit and read the small print. Check in with your Mission/Embassy if you plan to be in a country for an extended period... can't hurt.
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