Look for Structure
It’s important to find a piece that has integrity within its structure. For example, if you’re purchasing a dining room table and a set of matching chairs, make sure that each piece has the sturdiness required for your purchase to be functional in your home. Once you are convinced of the structural integrity, the rest is a matter of some effort and the right materials.
Find the Right Foam
Foam replacement for any piece of furniture must take into consideration the usage of the furniture. If a piece is used daily, it needs foam that is prepared to handle that type of use. For a piece of furniture that is used outdoors, the foam must be able to withstand potential exposure to the elements. Outdoor foams typically have features like excellent air circulation and an anti-microbial formula. Be sure when you’re shopping for replacement foam to be aware of these types of differences. Look for a company that offers various types of foams and understands which type is best for your project. Working with a company like The Foam Factory, you’ll not only be able to order the appropriate type of foam, you’ll also have the option of getting a custom cushion if you need a unique size.
Fabric Choices
Once you’ve found a piece with good structure and you’ve purchased the correct size and type of replacement foam, you’re ready to give your piece new life. Choose a fabric that is suitable for your piece. Again you’ll need to take into consideration where the piece will be used.
From piano benches to patio furniture, replacing cushions and updating fabric are great ways to make an old piece new again. Whether shopping at a flea market, or looking at a piece you already own, with the right structure, foam and fabric, you’ll soon be the proud owner of a unique and beautiful piece.

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