Studying is always difficult. So is raising a family. Both are time consuming, challenging, but ultimately incredibly rewarding. Choosing to do both at the same time is tough, but certainly can be done. These great tips will make sure you make the most of your studies, while enjoying your family.
Online Study
Online study gives you great options when it comes to working flexibly. You could care for your children, and study from home at the same time. Nursing is a career that appeals to many working mothers, if it’s something you would be interested in, consider an online nursing degree from Arizona State University.
Part Time Study
Many degrees like online nursing programs also have part time options. While it would mean, it takes you longer to complete your course, studying part time would allow you to devote time to your studies and family. This option often leads to a happier, less stressful, student life.
Take Breaks
Remember to take a break every now and then. Have days when you don’t study at all. Go out and spend a nice day with your family, forget about everything else. It’s also great to have time away from your kids every now and then. Do something for yourself. Whether that’s a shopping trip, a spa break or just an hour in the bath with a good book. It will do you the world of good.
Don’t Pressure Yourself
All parents have days when it just all seems too much. On those days, don’t feel pressure. If you need time off take it. While it’s great to have a goal, a career you’ve dreamed of, or just the aim of finishing your course, don’t be pressured, there’s no rush. If you need to take more time, do it. If you need a week off, take it. Always makes sure your family comes first. You need to be prepared for times when the children need you and your studies just have to wait.
Organization is going to be what gets you through. Keep a diary, and write lists of everything you need to get done. Any assignments or appointments, write them down. As well as big goals, set yourself small targets, to finish a book or make a word count. Don’t forget to plan for any appointments, classes or groups the kids have got. Try to get them into a general day to day routine, certainly at bedtime so you always know you can work, or relax after a certain time and don’t have to try and rush everything in during the day.
Ask for Help
If you’ve got family and friends that can help with the kids, call on them. Even the odd hour babysitting can make a huge difference. If you haven’t got anyone that you can ask, consider a professional babysitter, especially around exam times. Get your husband and older kids to help out around the house too, to take some pressure off yourself.
Remember to enjoy both your study and your family. If at any point, you feel it is becoming too much, speak to someone at your university about perhaps taking some time off, or switching to a part time program.

keep at it don't let yourself get to far over the line on either side. Remember who you are. I went back to school at age 30 with 6 children and did pretty awesome so good luck to you as well
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