This is a sponsored conversation from Mums the Word Network and The Stork OTC. All opinions are my own.
For most of us, the start of a year also means a fresh start, a new chance to make things work and achieve our goals in life. These goals are not just for our personal benefit but mostly for our families. Trying to get pregnant is a goal for many couples especially at the start of the year. Are you thinking about starting a new family?
Starting a family is one of the most exciting times of your life. Having a child is one of the most life-changing and rewarding decisions you will ever make. For some fortunate couples, the road to parenthood is smooth and short. Unfortunately, a lot of couples find the road is filled with anxiety and stress as they discover that getting pregnant isn’t easy and takes longer than they originally thought.
My husband and I struggled to get pregnant again right after we had our daughter in 2006. I guess getting pregnant again may not be easy as the first time. Since we wanted to conceive naturally, we opted out to take medical procedures and waited for years instead. After 10 long years, finally I’m now 7 months pregnant with baby number two! I wish my husband and I have known about Stork OTC when we were trying to conceive years ago. I believe it could have helped us in our journey. I like the idea of being able to purchase it and use the device without a prescription at home. Plus, it involves no chemicals, no shots, no medical procedures and it’s affordable.
So what is Stork OTC? The Stork OTC Home Conception Device is a FDA cleared device designed to help you increase your chances of getting pregnant. This innovative conception device includes two familiar elements: the Conceptacle®, a cervical cap inside of a condom-like sheath that is used to collect the sperm, and the applicator. The applicator keeps the sperm where it needs to be, near the opening of the woman’s cervix thereby optimizing the chances of becoming pregnant. This is designed to help you overcome common infertility issues such as unfavorable vaginal environment and low sperm count. Check out to learn more about how Stork OTC works!
Who might be interested in Stork OTC?
- Those who have struggled with Infertility, but don’t want medical interventions.
- Those who have been diagnosed with low sperm count.
- Those with sperm immobility.
- Those with unfavorable vaginal environments.
- Those who want to maximize the amount of sperm that gets to their cervix during their ovulatory cycle.
- Those that want to try something else before starting more aggressive fertility treatments.
- Those that want to avoid more aggressive fertility treatments due to spiritual beliefs.
Stork OTC can be purchased at Walgreens and CVS and it is located in the family planning section next to ovulation test kits.

I wish I knew about this product when we struggled for a year and a half. Congrats on getting pregnant
I just saw this product for the first time the other day. I really hope that it is helpful for people who are struggling with infertility issues but can't or don't want to use more aggressive fertility treatments. I remember having some difficulty getting pregnant with my second child and how hard that was for me, I can't imagine how hard it must be dealing with true infertility. Congratulations on your second child!
Congratulations, so exciting! This is great to know about - I'm so glad there are so many things out there to help women struggling!
Sorry to hear of your struggles but congratulations on your pregnancy. So nice of you to help others in this situation.
Aw congrats on baby number two, 10 years is a long time but all things happen for a reason. Can't wait to hear updates x
Such good news for anyone struggling to conceive. I haven't got kids nor have I tried to have any. But I hope to in the next few years. There's a niggling thought in the back of my head 'what if I can't/struggle to have children' so this is a great idea
I knew a lady that had been trying to conceive for about 18 years. She used a product like this, it may even have been this one, and she finally was able to conceive. She's in her 40s but everything is going great so far and she's on top of the world.
Glad there is a new and safer way to get pregnant. No chemicals, shots, medical procedures and it is affordable. This is the best thing on earth.
This seems so cool! Also congrats on being pregnant, It's a beautiul experience
This is a cool gadget to have when you're trying to conceive. It's not something that comes so easily and it would be nice to have a little support. I'm sure a lot of couples will like this product .
I have a friend who is trying to have a baby. I hope this will help her.
This sounds so helpful.
And congrats on being pregnant again. How wonderful!
I had no idea that products like this even existed. It is really amazing what kind of resources are available now to couples struggling to have children.
Congratulations on falling pregnant again! I didn't even know these sorts of thing existed and it is definitely something I would prefer to try before the expensive medical options.
This is awesome for those out there wanting to have a baby yet have found it hard to do. I was blessed to never have to use something like this but I know that it will be a Godsend for those who have troubles. Congrats are in order for you as well! I'm so happy for you.
Congratulations on getting pregnant after 10 long years of trying. We have some close friends trying to get pregnant naturally. We're going to share this post with them.
Nothing better that being pregnant and feel your baby inside! congratulations!
Congratulation on your baby! It is a blessing to be thankful for. I know someone who really need this idea.
This is really fascinating news for those who getting hard to get a baby.
I was going to use this if we weren't successful ttc baby #7. I had two back to back miscarriages and right before I was about to try Stork I became pregnant and it stuck. I still have this in my cupboard. It's really something else! - Jeanine
This is such a helpful idea, my sister really wants to have a baby I think she will need this.
This looks like a great device for couples having difficulty conceiving. Your baby bump looks so cute!
I had problems with conceiving after a miscarriage. This would have been great to have back then.
this is very intersting! my sister is having a problem of getting pregnant! She is 28 and married for 4 years. this maybe a big help for her! thanks for sharing about Stork!
- Kelly Reci
Wow! I never heard about this Stork, what a great product for those who want to be a Mom. Congratulations to you and your husband. I wish you a very successful and painless pregnancy.
This looks like it would be such a great help to people trying to conceive. I have heard about the product before but have never really looked into it.
This looks like a great product. I have never struggled with this issue but know a lot of women who have. I'll be sure to share your post with them.
Congrats on baby number 2. I had no idea there we devices you could use at home to help with fertility issues. It's nice to know people have that option.
Congrats on getting pregnant! I wish I've heard of this product too when I was trying to get pregnant. This sounds like a helpful product for mommy who's trying to conceive. Just pinned it!
That is wonderful! Congrats on getting pregnant :) This is great for anyone who is having trouble conceiving!
This looks like a interesting device - I didn't hear about it before, but I'm sure it might be helpful for couples who try to conceive.
This looks like such a great product! I know that a lot of people - myself included - struggle with infertility - and it is nice to have an option like this that is more affordable.
This is great to know about - I'm so glad there are so many things out there to help women struggling!
Congratulations on your pregnancy & I am glad that we have such ideas to help people who want to get pregnant. I am going to suggest it to few I know as this could remove someone's pain sooner!
Such a good post, I love reading this and Congrats on your Pregnancy this would be an inspiring post to those have a hard time to have a baby
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