Prior to the pandemic, approximately 32 million people were buying concert tickets every year. Now, Luke Combs sings about crowds and shows and light after dark on a day when we aren't Six Feet Apart. UK music festivals like Glastonbury miss their fiftieth-anniversary party. The pandemic has changed the radio star. Dan Avidan lead singer for Starbomb with Billboard credits to his name is going to YouTube to stream music, because the world needs it.
Still, what the millions of concert attendees can do this year, and in years to come, is have faith in the heart of the artists that still want to sing for them. Learn more about the ways your favorite artists are doing to keep music alive for all of us.
Streaming Concerts
It's not the same thing, we get it. We watch the music awards show, and we just don't feel they live feel like we used to. However, it is still a successful model for both artists and fans alike. You know this because you may have watched some yourself already. Homecoming for Beyonce scored over one million viewers, and Springsteen on Broadway made over 100 million music lovers happy.
On smaller scales, services like Spotify and Bandcamp are bringing attention to artists for fans of music.
Pandemic Friendly Live Shows
There are still some festivals and concerts happening post-2021, but 2020 was a wipe-out. As vaccinations begin to roll out, and pandemic protocols become a way of life, many concerts today are still saying the show must go on.
When they do, protocols are in place for concertgoers and fans. There will also be changes that go beyond six feet apart rules that will dampen the experience for fans. Meet and Greets with artists will be fewer and farther between, if at all. VIP passes and exclusive times before and after shows will be eliminated.
The quality of the shows will change as well. Those who are hearing impaired may suffer from audio qualities, and not want to go at all. The pandemic has changed the way we experience live music for a long time.
Less Money
Everyone has a less disposable income right now, and that has slammed every industry, including the music industry. When artists such as Dan Avidan bring music or comedic performances to YouTube, this is one of the reasons why.
Not only are the artists working with pandemic protocols, closed restaurants, and bars where they can't perform anymore, but they are also dealing with an audience problem. The audience that is there, is six feet apart. The audience that isn't, is weeping at home because they can't afford a dinner out today.
Then there are the road crews, band management, and additional staff whose lives will take some time to recover because their income is out as well. This is a billion-dollar industry that has hit everybody. Many artists will say it has hit fans the most, because that is who they get up for.
Everybody wants live music back as badly as you do.
Sing With Artists at Home
When you are worried that the pandemic has ruined your primary source of entertainment, sing with your favorite artists at home. Make sure that you visit the streaming service that they are on, use their music, and spend your smaller entertainment budget that way. That helps the industry, helps you, and could make a dent in bringing live shows back faster.

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