aguy intawn before ko makalimut sa watery wednesday maayo ky nakakita ko diri mag post ko aron dili malimut ning limtanon. Maayo pa mo bayot sge lang ug himamat ni shamu hehehe.
Maayo d i kay nakauli naman d i mo. na pahuway sa mo uy ky mura arang busyha sa inyong lifey
This is so beautiful wish ko lang jud makakita ug mga ing ani kanang mga isda nga manglupad ayaw lang sad nang piranha kay dili na na maayo hehehe Merry Christmas Dhemz
We have also one like that here in the Phils. They have the whale shark and dolphin shows at the Ocean Park Resort in Subic. Great feeling to see these wonderful creatures. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.
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Hey y'all! Welcome to my page. My name is Demcy also known as Dhemz. I'm the author behind Dias Family Adventures, FILIPINO-AMERICAN, military wife & mother, crafter, wannabe chef, savvy shopper, product reviewer, traveler, adventure seeker...I pretty much think I can do anything! Learn more about me and my family HERE
FC ako weeeee, ako ala pang WW entry.. Soo busy today..
Love that shot!
nice shot dhemz!
Great shot, I remember if you sit too close you get wet.
Great shot!
aguy intawn before ko makalimut sa watery wednesday maayo ky nakakita ko diri mag post ko aron dili malimut ning limtanon. Maayo pa mo bayot sge lang ug himamat ni shamu hehehe.
Maayo d i kay nakauli naman d i mo. na pahuway sa mo uy ky mura arang busyha sa inyong lifey
fun photo! Merry Christmas!
whoa! amazing shot! hehehe
great shot of dolphin on air :)
dami ko na na miss na entry at visit din.. holidays talaga, nakisabay haha.. :)
Great shot. Nindot gyud ning mga show nga ingon ani..
I remember going to Seaworld when I was little & we saw Shamu & watched a dolphin show, too! Lots of fun & those trainers are so neat!!!
Merry Merry Christmas & Happy Happy New Year!!! =)
This is so beautiful wish ko lang jud makakita ug mga ing ani kanang mga isda nga manglupad ayaw lang sad nang piranha kay dili na na maayo hehehe Merry Christmas Dhemz
We have also one like that here in the Phils. They have the whale shark and dolphin shows at the Ocean Park Resort in Subic. Great feeling to see these wonderful creatures. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.
wow, kanindot ani oi... sad wala ani sa Pinas Dhemz...Merry xmas..
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