Friday, April 22, 2011

Best Web Hosting

This is a sponsored post brought to you by FatCow web hosting.

It is really better to have your own self hosted website than hosted by a default host of a default platform. If you have your own site hosted by your preferred web host, you can really claim the site as yours because you are paying for it. There are a lot of web hosting services you can find oline. If you have just started a website though, for a beginner, better look for a web host that is reliable and most especially, light on the budget. You can find a lot online that comes with a fast web hosting services. One of those affordable web hosting services is FatCow. Fatcow web hosting won the Top Web Hosting Award of last 2010. They are known for their cheap and affordable web hosting prices and even offer web hosting promos from time to time for their costumers to continuously enjoy the cheap but excellent web hosting services. Once you apply for a web hosting service from FatCow, you can avail the benefits of receiving $50 free adwords credits, $25 Yahoo PPC credits, free applications intallation, and free shopping cart software. Currently, FatCow offers a contest where you can win a car. You might want to check it out!


Aaron Jimmy said...

Fatcow is a good choice to start with. I have been using WordPress hosting from Burhani hosting, starting at $2.99/month.