Thursday, April 21, 2011

Promotion of Healthy Eating: Organic Food

In terms of nutrition, organic food has undergone a lot of promotion and has been considered superior by its followers. Studies have shown conflicting results regarding the value of organic food in comparison to conventional food; however, because of the way organic food is prepared, organic food is expected to have less residual pesticide content. 
In terms of caloric value, organic food and conventional food usually have the same caloric content per weight. Some studies show same amounts of vitamin C, potassium, calcium, and other substances in organic and conventional food. 
Other studies, on the other hand, show about twenty-five percent higher antioxidants in organic food. Polyphenol content is also higher in organic food. 
Polyphenols play a role in fighting cancer and heart disease. Some polyphenols have been proven to reduce blood vessel damage due to oxidant activity; this means that polyphenols may help reduce atherosclerosis, clogged arteries, coronary artery disease, and stroke. Antioxidants have also been proven to reduce damage to tissues and promote healing. 
A more recent study shows that intake of organic food immediately decreased the organophosphate levels in the urine of twenty-three children. This proves that conventional food is a major source of organophosphates. Organic food therefore plays a role in reducing organophosphate-related health problems, especially in children. 
Organic produce may also taste better. Studies indicate that apples from organic farms are sweeter and firmer than conventional apples. 
Unlike conventional food, organic food uses minimal preservatives; it therefore spoils much easier. Conventional food is preserved longer; unfortunately, valuable vitamins disappear even as conventional food remains fresh. On the other hand, organic food is always expected to be rich in vitamins. 
By consuming organic food, people are exposed to fewer amounts of harmful organophosphate pesticides. Advocating organic food also reduces the harmful effects of organophosphates on the environment; organic farming produces fewer amounts of greenhouse gases as compared to conventional farming. 
Organic food comes with many promising attributes. Perhaps the future of food lies in the past; going back to organic farming is indeed making one step forward.

*Alma Jones is a writer and an advocate of healthy living. She is currently working on writing about discount opportunities online ( ix web hosting coupon and gotomeeting codes ).


Unknown said...

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