What is IVF and Which Tests Take Place?
To increase your chances of successful implantation, ovarian reserve testing may take place. This involves analyzing the levels of hormones required to successfully stimulate eggs. It also determines how likely it is that the ovaries will respond to fertility medication. In addition, men attending IVF clinics may have their semen tested. Women who find their ovaries may not respond well to fertility treatments can choose to use an egg sharing bank. Opting to use an egg donation bank is a popular option among many couples to overcome fertility problems.
After analyzing gametes, many IVF clinics perform further tests to ensure any embryos produced will enter a friendly environment that allows them to thrive. This includes testing for infectious diseases, such as HIV. In addition, an analysis of the uterine cavity may take place. This allows the doctor to pre-determine his or her placement technique.
Answering Important Questions Before In Vitro Fertilization Takes Place
Prior to implantation, couples need to consider how many embryos they'll implant. The higher the number of embryos implanted, the higher the risk of a multiples pregnancy. As such, couples also need to consider how they'll manage being pregnant with multiples. In some cases, IVF is immediately successful, which leaves couples with spare embryos. When this happens, cryopreservation may be an option. This involves preserving the embryos for a few years, just in case they're needed again.
Couples who plan on using IVF must give careful consideration to both the physical and emotional demands of the process. With the right physicians, the IVF journey can be enjoyable.

A friend of mine used this type and they said that it's super expensive.
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