Whether you’re just moving into a new property or you’ve been at your current location for a long time, feeling at home isn’t always a given. You could be surrounded by the accumulated possessions and memories of many years and still feel like there’s just something missing from your home, something crucial that makes it feel like yours.
There are plenty of theories about what exactly makes a house feel like home, but there’s nothing definitive out there – in the end, it all comes down to you and what you like. Still, there are ways you can create a homely feel and you don’t necessarily need to break the bank to do it. Here are our 5 top tips on how to make you and your family feel at home.
Fit some custom furniture
Okay, this first one is perhaps a little bigger than a “small tip”, but it’s effective regardless. If you want to make your family feel at home, then one of the best ways to do it is to create a unique, personalised space for them. After all, off-the-shelf (no pun intended) furniture is fine, but if you’re looking to really own a space then you have to fill it with things nobody else has. With that in mind, a custom furniture arrangement can really help to create an ambience. The best spots to aim for are your kitchen and your bedroom. The average British citizen spends around 253 minutes a week in their kitchen, so enjoying your time there is paramount. To get started with ideas on custom furniture arrangements for your kitchen and bedroom, visit this website – it’s important to go with a reputable, simple and honest company when you’re looking for this kind of work.
Rearrange existing furniture
You’d be amazed by how much difference a simple furniture rearrangement can make. Just by moving around your seating arrangement, for example, or repositioning your entertainment system, you could get a whole new perspective not only on the room but on the house in general. Some say that repositioning furniture can improve your psychological well-being too, so if you or your family members are struggling with any kind of mental health issues, this could be a real avenue for change. Don’t just limit this to your main room, either; are there any novel arrangements you could create in your bedroom? Could you move things around so light sources are easier to access? Think creatively and you’ll really start to feel things click.
Make yourself comfortable
So many people neglect comfort when they’re building rooms in favour of aesthetics. If a room isn’t comfortable, you and your family won’t want to spend time there, and you won’t feel like your place is homely at all. Think hard about the sofa you’ve got in your main room. Do you still need it, or has it breathed its last breath? You might have some sentimental value attached to it, but as Marie Kondo says, if it’s not bringing you joy then you should get rid of it posthaste. If you really want a house to feel like home, make sure all the seating, beds and other relaxation aids are all as comfortable as they can possibly be. You’d be amazed how much people will want to spend time in a room if they can’t seem to leave because of how comfy they’ve become. You can make your environment comfortable with accents of things you like, for example, this decorative surfboard wall art for beach homes and coastal decor may give you a nostalgic, or cosy aesthetic if you are a person who is fond of the summery, beach aesthetic. Surrounding yourself with a familiar environment can add a lot of comfort and a sense of belonging.
Keep it tidy
If you’re viewing your home as a series of obligations and chores rather than a place to relax and live, then it’s no wonder you and yours don’t feel at home. Just like repositioning furniture, tidying up can significantly improve your mental health, and although you can’t count tidying and chores as part of your exercise obligations for the week, you’ll feel much better if you’re active and doing something rather than simply resting on your laurels. A tidy home does reflect a tidy mind, after all; looking around and seeing everything is where it should be will help you to compartmentalize your home correctly and feel like you’re in a space you’ve helped to organise. Set aside some time each week to tidy and you won’t regret it.
Do things that make you happy
Sometimes, work can get in the way of happiness. You’ll make it home after a long and exhausting day, flop down onto the couch and lose yourself in a Netflix marathon you don’t really want to start but you can’t bring yourself to do anything more active or fulfilling (no shade, Netflix). You’ll thank yourself if you try to motivate yourself, though. Instead of simply doing nothing, how about baking, or cooking a new dish? Maybe you could work on a creative project – poetry, fiction, DIY or music are all great options if you’re skilled at any of them (or even if you’re not). Gather your family together and have a conversation. Doing things that make you happy will create a memorable and compelling space in your home.
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