Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Caring for a Newborn as First Time Parents

As a first-time parent, you have probably been fantasizing about the day your baby comes to this world. You will likely have gotten everything you think they will need for the first six months or so of their life - from clothes and comforters to food like oatmeal for babies, once they are ready for solid food, plus cribs, strollers, the list is seemingly endless. When your child is finally here, you will go through a phase of excitement over this new member of the family. However, the frustration of caring for your newborn may set in during the first weeks, especially if you are a first-time parent. There is so much that pertains to caring for a child. Every parent makes a few mistakes when caring for their newborn, but this is normal, especially for first-time parents. Several tips are covering numerous areas from knowing how to take baby temperature; to properly latch your baby. Here are some of them.

1. Don’t delay breastfeeding
Nursing is natural, but this doesn't mean that it is easy for all women. The first breastfeeding activity is to breastfeed your baby with colostrum within the hour after delivery. If you are having any difficulty breastfeeding, you can request for help. On the other hand, if you are unable to help the baby latch, you could squeeze out the colostrum from your breast into his mouth and ensure that he drinks it because it contains beneficial nutrients.

2. Nurse the baby on demand 
You should let your baby nurse whenever she wants within the first few weeks of delivery. That’s because if you try to put a feeding schedule for the child that soon, it may interfere with the milk production and supply. Don’t be anxious that the baby may not have enough milk to feed on, because they are breastfeeding spontaneously or frequently. Your body will cater to your baby’s needs because the more she feeds, the more milk your body produces. With time you should also learn how to latch your baby so that she can get enough milk. Furthermore, proper latching will ensure that your nipples don’t get damaged or sore, from the baby having to pull to feed.

3. Set visiting limits
As soon as your adorable baby is born, friends and family will inevitably want to visit and see him. However, you ought to keep them at bay for some time. The moments soon after birth should be for yourself and your partner to have some alone time with your child. Newborns are very alert and receptive when they are born, which makes this time the best to bond with them. Talk to him, look into his eyes, and let the baby know his parents’ voices.

4. Dress the baby right
Cute outfits make your baby look like a little angel, and they also look good on baby photos. Remember, though, that your baby cannot regulate her body’s temperature until they get to 6 months. Therefore be keen when dressing her. Dress her in a similar number of layers as you, when indoors or outdoors. Avoid overdressing her because she may get chilly when she sweats too much.

5. Cleaning the baby
The first important area to remember when cleaning your child is his umbilical cord. This organ is a bit of a challenge when it’s drying up. It takes about a week or two to fall off, but before it does, you need to clean it carefully as it is delicate. Whenever you are cleaning your baby or changing their diapers, use clean, warm water to wipe his tummy area while leaving the cord dry gently. Moisture on the cord may cause it to get stinky or, worse, develop an infection. If you accidentally get some water on the cord, leave it to air-dry.

During their first month, avoid bathing your baby in a lot of water and instead go for a sponge bath. This will keep her skin clean and fresh, without irritating the skin. Clean her using warm water, and only use soap if she has a messy diaper change or spits up. Three sponge baths a week with the occasional clean-up will work okay for your baby. After one month, you could start using immersive baths. Use unscented soap that is specifically made for babies.

6. Calming down the baby
Your baby will, at some point in their first weeks of birth, morph into little screaming humans. As a first time parent, this may be quite shocking and frustrating to deal with. However, there are a few ways that you could use to calm down the baby when they are fussing. First, you could use motion to calm the baby. Infants love to be rocked or slightly bounced around while you pace the room. Warmth also soothes babies, and you could give him a warm bath to help him relax. Finally, when your baby is close to you, he will be calmer. When lounging around the house, either you or your partner could swaddle the baby. 

These tips will take away the burden of stressing about caring for a newborn, and you will get more time to bond with your little angel.