Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Signs You Need Irrigation System Repair

While rain in New York isn’t uncommon, from time to time, your plants, trees, and grass may need a bit of help and encouragement from time to time. This is where an irrigation system can be invaluable. However, just like anything else in or around your home, to ensure it continues working properly, regular maintenance is needed. In some cases, repairs are necessary, too. Get to know the top signs it is time to call for system repairs here.

Parched or Soaked Spots in Your Lawn
One of the most obvious signs irrigation repair Canaan NY is needed is if there are some parts of the lawn that are soaked while others appear brown and parched. Some of the causes of this include faulty sprinkler heads and improper zone settings. The professionals can find the underlying issue, make repairs, and restore your sprinkler system to proper working order.

Control Valves that Constantly Drip
The “back end” of an irrigation system has the task of providing the right amount of water to each zone in your yard. A valve that is operating properly should not leak or drip, and damp areas near the pressure regulators and the filters are clear indications of a problem. If you see a drip, make sure you don’t ignore it.

Sprinkler Heads that Sputter
If your sprinkler heads aren’t spraying properly or if they have begun to sputter, the issue may be a pressure or valve problem. However, a sprinkler head may also develop chips and cracks that will undermine the performance.

When it comes to your home’s irrigation system, making repairs in a timely manner is a must. This will help ensure it continues to operate properly and keep your yard green and healthy throughout the year. If you need help, contact the professionals who can provide advice and guidance about irrigation system maintenance.


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