Check The Roof
You should be getting your roof checked and inspected about once or even twice a year. The benefit of doing this is that you will be able to find out whether your roof has fallen into a state of disrepair? Perhaps the last storm that blew through left you with a hole in the roof. A professional contractor will be able to fix this in no time before the issue gets any worse. You will often need an inspection to find and fix this issue because we don’t spend much time staring up at the roof of our property.
The problem with a hole in the roof is that it can quickly lead to other issues. Bad weather can cause the rainwater or snow to come through and eventually lead to damp. Once the issue with damp becomes severe enough it could bring everything from mould to a full insect infestation. While this might sound extreme the situation can get out of hand rather quickly. So, you do need to be prepared.
Add Some Extra Insulation
You might also want to consider the insulation that your property provides. This is particularly important through the winter months of the year when you want to keep your home as warm as possible. The problem is that if the insulation levels are poor, cold air is going to flow into the home and warm air is going to flow out. It’s enough to mean that you’ll have to fix the thermostat at boiling point to even barely keep the property warm.
There are a few ways to fix insulation issues. First, you can run a test of your property. A contractor can check for any causes of drafts and air entering your home such as cracks in the walls. These can then be filled and sealed effectively solving the issue.
You could also think about your windows. Feel the air around your window. If you notice a breeze against your fingers, there’s a good chance that you need to consider a replacement. You can consider triple glazing however do be aware that this is quite expensive. A cheaper option would be to invest in thicker curtains. When closed, you might be rather astounded by the impact that this can have, particularly if you have been relying on lighter drapes.
Backup Power
Wind, snow and even heavy rain can all impact power lines to your property. As such, it is worth thinking about what happens in this type of situation. Obviously, the power will go out but will you be left in the dark? Many people think that there is no other option than to simply wait for the power to come back on in this situation.
However, that is certainly not the case. Instead, it’s quite possible that you will be able to keep the lights on. One option would be to invest in a backup power supply for your home and a great example of this would be solar power. By investing in a solar battery storage & backup, you will be able to make sure that when the rest of the street is dark, everything in your home continues to function effectively. There is usually a focus on ensuring critical systems in your home have power including the fridge and freezer. This is possible because whenever the sun is shining, the battery will be storing energy for use in an emergency.
Back To The Victorian Age
If you don’t have any type of backup power system in place, it’s a smart idea to be stocked up on some old fashioned devices. Everything from lanterns to candles can be quite useful here. Although, if you want to avoid to fire danger, it’s probably best to just have a few torches around the home. If the power goes out, you’ll be able to quickly bring these out and ensure that no one gets lost in the dark.
Fun And Games
If you have children in the house, then you do need to think about keeping everyone entertained. During bad weather, it can actually be quite terrifying for children particularly if there is thunder or lightning outside. As such, it’s important to keep them entertained. You can do this by choosing some great board games and bringing them down out of the attic.
Make sure that these are in a place that is easily accessible when the power is out. It’s important that you don’t have to climb up any ladders or try and access any hard to reach areas in your home.
A Quick Chat
Finally, you should also make sure that you speak to your insurance provider. It’s a good idea to have a clear concept of what your insurance does and doesn’t cover. By doing this, you can make sure that there are no nasty surprises if you do need to make a claim after a storm. You might be surprised to learn that insurance coverage isn’t always as comprehensive as buyers assume and there are a lot of exceptions.
We hope you find this information helpful when exploring whether your home is ready for a period of bad weather. It’s crucial that you are prepared for these types of circumstances with everything from backup power sources to entertainment. Otherwise, even a slight spout of bad weather can be nothing short of a nightmare.
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